6 Use-Cases For The Power Apps App Formulas Property (Named Formulas)

6 Use-Cases For The Power Apps App Formulas Property (Named Formulas)

Power Apps named formulas enable us to use the same app logic in several different places. Unlike a variable, named formulas do not store values in memory. They recalculate each time they are referenced. Named formulas ensure the most current value is always available and up-to-date and their definition can only be managed in one-central location. In this article, I will explain the benefits of using Power Apps named formulas and show you the best ways to use them.

Table of Contents
1. Pre-Filtering SharePoint Lists
2. Gathering Extended User Profile Data
3. Checking Security Roles For The Current User
4. Obtaining URL Parameters And Setting Default Values
5. Making Simpler References To Environment Variables
6. App Theming Values (Colors & Fonts)

1. Pre-Filtering SharePoint Lists

Create a Power Apps named formula when a SharePoint list has a common set of filters used in many places. In the example below, the Service Vehicles SharePoint list has several trucks which are either active (in service) or inactive (not in service).

Service Vehicles SharePoint List:

1Service Truck 001No
2Service Truck 002Yes
3Service Truck 003No
4Service Truck 004Yes
5Service Truck 005Yes

Suppose we only the active vehicles to show in Power Apps. Therefore, we write a named formula in the App Formulas property like this:

fxServiceVehiclesActive = Filter(
    'Service Vehicles',
    Active.Value = "Yes"

Now we can use our named formula in the app. Write fxServiceVehiclesActive in the Items property of a gallery and only these rows will appear.

2Service Truck 002Yes
4Service Truck 004Yes
5Service Truck 005Yes

2. Gathering Extended User Profile Data

Named formulas may be used to hold constants – a value that cannot be changed when the app is in play mode. User profile data for the current app user is an example of a constant.

We can use the Office365Users connector to get the full account details for an app user and reference it in a named formula. Whereas the User function only retrieves the account’s full name, email and image.

To do this, add the Office365Users connector to the app.

Then use these named formulas in the App Formulas property to prevent multiple calls to the Office365Users API. Once the function executes its result will be cached.

fxCurrentUser = Office365Users.MyProfile();
fxCurrentUserPhoto = If(

3. Checking Security Roles For The Current User

An app design might have require us to give a user with the custom security role ” Contoso Manager “security role access to a hidden screen. To get the security roles applied add these Dataverse Users and Security Roles tables to the app.

The write this code in the app Formulas property.

fxSecurityRoles = LookUp(
    domainname = User().Email
).'Security Roles (systemuserroles_association)'.Name;
fxIsUserManager = "Contoso Manager" in fxSecurityRoles.Name;

Let’s supposed the named formula fxSecurityRoles returns these values.

Basic User
Contoso Manager
Environment Maker

We can use the subsequent named formula fxIsUserManager to check if the current user is a manager. Since “Contoso Manager” was found in the user’s security roles the named formula returns true.


4. Obtaining URL Parameters And Setting Default Values

URL parameters can be passed into PowerApps and captured using the Param function. It is useful to store them in named formulas as constants because we can provide default values for when the parameter is missing.

Assume we wrote the following code in the Power Apps app Formulas property.

fxUrlParameter = {
    RecordId: Param("recordid"),
    LaunchSource: Coalesce(Param("launchsource"), "Unknown"),
    DebugMode: And(

Then we used this URL to access the app:


The named formula fxUrlParameter would return these values:

  • fxUrlParameters.RecordId =1
  • fxUrlParameters.LaunchSource = “Unknown”
  • fxUrlParameters.DebugMode = false

5. Making Simpler References To Environment Variables

Retrieving environment variables values is absurdly obtuse. We can use named formulas to abstract away the lengthy code needed to do it and use a much shorter reference instead.

Add the Dataverse tables called Environment Variable Definitions and Environment Variable Values to the app.

Then write this code in the App Formulas property.

fxEnvironmentVariable = {
    AdminEmail: LookUp(
        'Environment Variable Values',
        'Environment Variable Definition'.'Display Name' = "Admin Email"
    CompanyName: LookUp(
        'Environment Variable Values',
        'Environment Variable Definition'.'Display Name' = "Company Name"
    EnvironmentName: LookUp(
        'Environment Variable Values',
        'Environment Variable Definition'.'Display Name' = "Environment Name"

Now we are able to get the AdminEmail environment variable by simply typing


6. Configuring App Theming Values (Colors & Fonts)

Named formulas make referencing theming values more convenient because we can type a friendly-text name as opposed to a color code. The fxColor formula holds a set of colors to be used in the app while fxFont formula defines fonts and text sizes.

fxColor = {
    // Named Color Values
    Danger: ColorValue("#dc3545"),
    Info: ColorValue("#0dcaf0"),
    Primary: ColorValue("#0d6efd"),
    Secondary: ColorValue("#6c757d"),
    Success: ColorValue("#198754"),
    Warning: ColorValue("#ffc107"),

    // Default Colors Values
    Blue: ColorValue("#0d6efd"),
    Indigo: ColorValue("#6610f2"),
    Purple: ColorValue("#6f42c1"),
    Pink: ColorValue("#d63384"),
    Red: ColorValue("#dc3545"),
    Orange: ColorValue("#fd7e14"),
    Yellow: ColorValue("#ffc107"),
    Green: ColorValue("#198754"),
    Teal: ColorValue("#20c997"),
    Cyan: ColorValue("#0dcaf0"),
    White: ColorValue("#ffffff"),
    Grey: ColorValue("#6c757d"),
    GreyDark: ColorValue("#343a40"),

    // Grey-Shade Color Values
    Grey100: ColorValue("#f8f9fa"),
    Grey200: ColorValue("#e9ecef"),
    Grey300: ColorValue("#dee2e6"),
    Grey400: ColorValue("#ced4da"),
    Grey500: ColorValue("#adb5bd"),
    Grey600: ColorValue("#6c757d"),
    Grey700: ColorValue("495057"),
    Grey800: ColorValue("#343a40"),
    Grey900: ColorValue("#212529")

fxFont = {
    Heading: Font.'Lato Black',
    Body: Font.Lato,
    Size: {
        Body: 12,
        Subtitle: 14,
        Title: 16
    LineHeight: 1.5


If you have any questions or feedback about 6 Use-Cases For The PowerApps App Formulas Property (Named Formulas) please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

Matthew Devaney

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Darren Neese
1 year ago

I love this.

Joe Krajnak
Joe Krajnak
1 year ago

I can see the usefulness of something like the filter expression but I don’t understand how most of the examples are different from just setting a variable in OnStart.

1 year ago

If you have formulas to run immediately upon opening the app, what would you use instead of OnStart❓
For instance, my app checks the office365 user profile info, then queries a user table, then an apps roles table to see what system they have access to, which roles they have, and what permission levels they have . It essentially connects part of a multi-system user management system. I hope this makes sense.

1 year ago
Reply to  JRay

You could use named formulas to do the same. Or place the formulas in OnVisible of your Startscreen (you can define a startscreen in your app properties).

1 year ago

What’s the difference with the App’s Start property?

Ihno Hanuschka
Ihno Hanuschka
1 year ago

Great, thanks for this post, Matthew! I wasn’t aware of this before and it would have reduced complexity for my last project a lot 😉
Just one question – is it possible to pass parameters so that formulas could be used as function? Didn’t find this in MS Learn… Best regards, Ihno

1 year ago

Hi Matthew,

In the intro you said “Unlike a variable, named formulas do not store values in memory. ” but in number two, you said “Once the function executes its result will be cached.”

Could you elaborate on this?


Jonathan Copin
Jonathan Copin
1 year ago

Personally I use it to create dynamic tabs on a form.
This allows me to use the new modern TabList control. I add a ” * ” to the end of the tab name if one of the displayed cards has an error (! IsBlank(cardName.Error) in Or() function) when submitted.
It is also possible to directly display the tab where there is an error by filtering on the first “*” in the items of the TabList.
I hope I have been clear 😅

Raymond Wood
Raymond Wood
1 year ago

Matt. We’ve creating global variables on a dedicated start screen in place of App.OnStart because it is being deprecated. Would you still recommend using fxColorTheme vice gblColorTheme. Is there another reason to move this into formulas? Thanks again Matt. I love what you do.

Gianluca M
Gianluca M
1 year ago

This is very useful when a recalculation is needed, like the example with “Filter” as it will reload the list, contrary to a global collection variable. As for the other examples I will stick to create global vars in the initial screen (if they are empty) for now. Thanks for sharing!

Troy Gerton
Troy Gerton
1 year ago

Hi Matthew, I’m working on cleaning out the OnStart for production app. Simple contants were low hanging fruit, but what about something like this where a flow is being run? Works perfectly fine using Set()…

Troy Gerton
Troy Gerton
1 year ago

Thanks, Matt. If apps are moving towards deprecating OnStart, this seems like something that would need to be addressed…

Troy Gerton
Troy Gerton
1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Troy Gerton

Hi Troy, the alternative is to place these formulas into OnVisible of your Startscreen. You can define your startscreen in the App-property StartScreen.

Troy Gerton
Troy Gerton
1 year ago
Reply to  Niels

Thanks, Niels.

1 year ago

Hi Matthew
you are missing a closing parenthesis on the example provided in “4. Obtaining URL Parameters And Setting Default Values” and specifically in line: Not(IsBlank(Param(“debugmode”)),

which should be


Keep up the good work

1 year ago

Hi Matthew
I am trying to use a function to create a collection but it is throwing an error. The code is as follows:
SharepointDataFormula = { //formula name
  ClearCollect( //create collection from projects sp list
  colProjects, //collection name
    Projects_1, //sharepoint list name
    “ProjectManager”, //columns to collect
Any idea why this may be?
Best regards

1 year ago

Hi Matthew
Incredible coincidence that Shane Young did a video on this today. From that I deduced what the problem was, the working code is as follows:
SharepointDataFormula = Projects_1;

1 year ago

I am not sure if I am missing something or not

Shouldn’t this…

fxServiceVehiclesActive = {
        'Service Vehicles',
        Active.Value = "Yes"


fxServiceVehiclesActive = 
        'Service Vehicles',
        Active.Value = "Yes"

i.e. Without the curly braces

I got an error while placing the curly braces

Carsten Goebel
Carsten Goebel
1 year ago

I want to use a named formula to get pre-filtered data from a Dataverse table to avoid delegation issues.
1) In the gallery for the remaining data not all fields show values when using the named formula as a source reference even though I see values in the Dataverse table.
2) Additional operations (comparing email of logged in user with email of created by still show delegation warning – here i thought the named formula would bring in all data and avoid delegation, same to what we see with Collections?
Am I missing something? Thanks a lot

Last edited 1 year ago by Carsten Goebel
11 months ago

I’m currently still using OnVisible on the homepage (so I don’t have to use App.OnStart) to define constants (colors, fonts, user properties) that don’t change while the app is running. Should this definition also be made via App Formulas in the future? Are there differences in performance?

9 months ago

Hi Matthew, curious on how Named Formulas work, specifically for storing tables. Say, a variable nf_var (a table) is defined in App.Formula

  1. Then Screen1 uses nf_var
  2. Then I click Screen2 which doesn’t use nf_var
  3. Then I go to Screen1 again

Will it be two requests? I am just being conscious of which will have fewer requests VS ClearCollect. As far as I know, ClearCollect stores the table locally the first time it was executed.

7 months ago

Hi Matthew,
I really like the concept of using formulas and I appreciate the information you are providing here.
But now and then I get an error while using formulas.
The formula itself works and creates a table, as you can see in the screenshot,
But sometimes an error is shown, that says:
“Incompatible Types for Comparison. These types can’t be compared: Invalid, Text”
when I edit the formula, e.g. remove a quotation mark and put it back again, the error is vanished. But it’s annoying, when the App now and then shows an error.
Is this a bug, or can I do something to avoid this error?
Best regards,

3 months ago

Hi Matthew,

I have 4 spots in my powerapp where I am calling a power automate flow that gets data from a power bi query step, returns it to the app and then Parse json is used to create multiple collections that will be used in the app. Is it possible to create a reusable function for this logic? The user email needs to be passed to the power automate flow and there are spots in the app where admins can impersonate a user as well.