Hi, I’m Matthew.
I’m a Power Apps developer living in Winnipeg, Canada 🇨🇦 who is slightly obsessed with cats 🐱
I started this website to enable developers of all skill levels to create their own amazing apps. It has over 150+ Power Apps tutorials and each week I send a new tutorial to my subscribers for free. 😎
I’ve blazed a trail as Power Platform career switcher. My career started with working for 10 years as an accountant. Then I…
- 👨💻 Began making apps as a hobby.
- 🥇 Became the all-time leader on the Power Apps forums
- 👨🏫 Posted everything I was learning on Twitter, LinkedIn and MatthewDevaney.com
- 🏆 Was awarded the title of Business Applications MVP by Microsoft
One day I received a message in my inbox that read “I’ve seen your work online, would you like to interview for a developer job?” I said “yes,” and now I make apps and automations for my clients in the US & Canada 🦅 🦫
I understand the journey it takes to get from no development experience to seasoned-developer. It isn’t always easy. That’s why I create high-quality learning materials which are approachable by developers of all skill levels 👍
I don’t have ads on my site because I believe in delivering the best learning experience possible. This website is paid for out of my own pocket. If you’ve found value in the free resources I’ve created, I’d love to have your support. 😊
Click on the “Buy Me A Cat Treat” button below to support the site. ❤️
Thank you!