Create Power Platform Environments For Dev-Test-Prod

Create Power Platform Environments For Dev-Test-Prod

The basic set of Power Platform environments required by ALM best practices are a development environment, a test environment and a production environment. A development environment is where makers create the solution. The test environment is where quality assurance testers and end-users test the solution. And the production environment where end-users operate a live version of the solution.

Table Of Contents:
• Open The Power Platform Admin CenterCreate A New Power Platform EnvironmentConfigure The Development EnvironmentSetup The Test And Production Managed Environments

Open The Power Platform Admin Center

Environments are created in the Power Platform Admin Center. Go to and open the Admin Center homepage.

Create A New Power Platform Environment

To find the Power Platform environments menu, select Manage, and then choose Environments from the submenu. Press thew New button to create a new environment.

Configure The Development Environment

On the New Environment menu select the following setup options:

  • Name: choose a name for the environment and use the suffix (DEV). This will let developers know they are in a development environment
  • Type: Sandbox for the development environment
  • Add a Dataverse data store?: Yes

Choose a URL for the Dataverse instance. A common pattern for URLs is companyname-purpose-environmentype. In the example below the environment name is devaney-almtutorial-dev. Press the Save button once finished.

After waiting a few moments for the environment to be created the browser will redirect to the development environment’s landing page.

Setup The Test And Production Managed Environments

We also require two more environments to be setup for testing and production. Test and production environments are known as target environments. All target environments are required to be managed environments to use Power Platform Pipelines.

Create a new test environment with these settings:

  • Name – Your Environment Name (Test)
  • Make This A Managed Environment – Yes
  • Type – Sandbox

The apply these additional settings and press the Save button:

  • Type – Sandbox
  • URL – companyname-purpose-test

Repeat the steps to create a new environment for Production with the following settings:

  • Name – Your Environment Name (Test)
  • Make This A Managed Environment – Yes
  • Type – Production

And apply these additional settings, then press Save:

  • Type – Production
  • URL – companyname-purpose-prod

After the setup of all Dev-Test-Prod environments is completed they will appear in the environments menu.

Next Steps

Continue to the next steps in the Power Platform Pipelines & ALM Setup Guide.

Next: Install Power Platform Pipelines In The Host Environment >>


If you have any questions about Create Power Platform Environments For Dev-Test-Prod please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

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1 month ago

Useful, great that you’re promoting best practices👍💖

Last edited 1 month ago by Chris
Craig White
Craig White
1 month ago

Good article as always, especially specifying the URL for an environment – not mandatory but is a good standard to follow imo.

From memory & according to the current MS Learn docs, to use Power Platform Pipelines only the ‘target’ environments need to be managed – so that’s your Test & Production ones.

A dev environment doesn’t need to be managed to be configured for PP Pipelines, neither does the environment that acts as your Pipelines Host 🙂

Richard James
Richard James
1 month ago

Am I right in thinking that we need to have paid dataverse storage to set up extra environments? I tried creating extras for our school but it said we didn’t have enough storage.

Steven Moore
Steven Moore
1 month ago

Matthew, great article and currently working through your complete power platform pipelines ALMsetup guide. One flaw so far, round about page 115 where you are creating a Delegated Deployment – I can’t get the Owner to be the Service Account without the attached error. Same error on PROD and TEST.

Michael M
Michael M
1 month ago

I’ve had issues with Managed solutions when it includes a Power App that directly calls on a Power Automate flow. When I publish the managed solution, the app fails to call the flow. I have to remove and then re-add the flow to the app. However, I can’t modify the app in this manner when it is in a managed solution.

Due to this, I only use unmanaged solutions.

Have you heard of this issue? Maybe it’s fixed, but I just haven’t bothered creating a managed solution in half a year.

Guillermo Benitez
Guillermo Benitez
1 month ago

Does the creation of these environments come with an extra cost for my organization? I can already create apps with the license I actually have but I use the default env only.

1 month ago

What’s the difference between Developer and Sandbox environment types?

27 days ago

I”ve been able to do this without environments being managed envs. The MS docs also say for them to be managed, for both custom and personal? Bit confused on how its possible.

26 days ago

I agree with that Matt!! Great article by the way, decent work to get this outlined in steps.

27 days ago

Great article on a difficult subject…one thing I was asked to do at my last company was to create all the dev/test/prod environments in the same region/datacenter…to do this we had to use PowerShell to create them as admin center only allows you to select the region…this site has a good explanation of the process…

Creating a Dataverse Instance in the Desired Location

22 days ago

Is it not the case that if you set the environment to be managed, then every user that launches an app from that environment must have a premium license? This would add millions in licensing costs where I work.

22 days ago

I think this licensing requirement is worth mentioning, it could cause a nasty shock if Microsoft start enforcing the premium license requirement and companies that employ thousands of people start getting bills for potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sharon L
Sharon L
1 day ago

First up, thanks so much for the amazing content you create and share so freely.
It is very greatly appreciated!

I spent the morning working through the Power Platform Pipelines ALM Tutorial, and came across the following for the Prod environment installation.

The text to start the Prod installation has a typo in the environment name – (Test)
The type is Sandbox
The screenshot has the type as Sandbox
The last screenshot of all the environments has the type as Production.

I have a vague feeling I read a thread about why it should be Sandbox, but I can’t find it.

Does it matter or should it be Sandbox or Production?