Power Apps custom pages can be used to build a modal dialog in model-driven apps. A modal dialog is a pop-up menu that lets the user fill in some information then click OK or cancel. This technique requires a little…
A Power Apps custom page enables you to build a full page canvas app into a Power Apps model-driven app. Model-driven apps traditionally only have forms and views. Now with custom pages we can build full-screen pages, dialogs and side-panes…
Power Platform DLP Policies determine which data connectors can be used by apps & flows in an environment and which connectors are blocked. They are essential to put in place for every environment. DLP Policies prevent makers from accidentally exposing…
Setting up a Power Platform environment the wrong way can have serious consequences. This includes data-loss with no recovery from backups, lack of security that allows undesired users into the environment, and poor performance that hurts end-users efficiency. In this…
A SharePoint multiple person column can be filtered with no delegation warnings in Power Apps. So can a multiple choices column type and a multiple lookups type column. No, it cannot be done with the Power Apps filter function. But…
Icons can easily be added to Power Apps buttons with a little bit of creative coding. The trick is to place an icon on top of the button. Then trigger both the icon and button to change color when an…
This SharePoint delegation cheat sheet is the quickest way to check which Power Apps functions support delegation. When you get a delegation warning like this: “the Filter part of this formula may not work correctly on large data sets”, change…
I’ve recorded a video for this week’s Power Apps article on how to search a large SharePoint list and return the matching results with no delegation warnings. I really like this idea of having a video versions of my written…
I have found a way to search a SharePoint list in Power Apps and return any records with a matching substring. The Power Apps Search function does not support delegation for the SharePoint connector. Instead, we can use the SharePoint…
An auto-width property would be useful to have for several Power Apps control types including labels and buttons etc. For example, with auto-width, we could easily create a breadcrumbs UX. Each breadcrumb is a different size and is not known…