Text is the most common data type in Power Apps. Often, it needs to be manipulated in some way: extract part of the text, format it differently or remove unnecessary spaces or symbols. Power Apps text functions can do all…
“Don’t repeat yourself” is a coding principle smart developers use to avoid doing the same work twice. Canvas app components are a great example of this. You can make a component and re-use it on several screens as well as…
Multiple selection checkboxes give a user the ability to pick from one or more options. This feature does not come included in Power Apps. Fortunately we can make our own by combining a single checkbox with a gallery. In this…
This week Power Apps components received an important update: they now support behavior properties such as OnSelect & OnChange. Ever since components were released it was seen as missing feature. Power Apps developers had to resort to work-arounds to trigger…
“Don’t repeat yourself” is a software development principle all great app makers follow. In a practical sense, it means any repetitive code should only be written once as a custom function. Then the function can be called on again-and-again to…
I’ve spent the past month playing with the Power Apps source code tool and discovering all of the exciting new possibilities it presents for canvas app developers. Not only can you do things like conduct a code review using flat…
Every app I build with SharePoint uses data from multiple related lists. There are just too many benefits to ignore: smaller storage size, improved data accuracy, and excellent flexibility when building new features and doing reporting. If you haven’t yet…
The Power Apps Maps control is an exciting new feature. Now we have the ability to include interactive maps in our apps and mark locations with pins. While the control looks very simple to use I found it took way…
When loading or saving data in Power Apps does not happen instantly I start to feel like the app is running slowly. I don’t like waiting, and neither do my app users. Optimizing your Power Apps to load/save data as…
Mobile Power Apps for tablets or phones still have to work when there is no internet connection. As a developer, making Power Apps with an offline mode is one of the the greatest challenges you will undertake. It requires careful…