The Complete Power Platform Pipelines ALM Setup Guide

The Complete Power Platform Pipelines ALM Setup Guide

Welcome to The Complete Power Platform Pipelines ALM Setup Guide.

In this guide you will learn how to setup Power Platform Pipelines and the Dataverse Git Integration. I have spent the past 5 years teaching Power Platform ALM best-practices and using them in my own projects. Now I want to share the knowledge I’ve gained in this set of easy-to-understand, practical instructions.

Power Apps Pipelines already have official documentation by Microsoft. So why did I make my own? A few reasons:

  • I wanted a guided-tutorial that anyone could understand which includes clear directions and lots of pictures.
  • This tutorial can be continuously improved as new Power Apps Pipelines & ALM features hit “general availability”
  • Readers can leave comments on my website describing their own best practices which I can incorporate into future versions

I hope you enjoy my Complete Power Platform Pipelines ALM Setup Guide.

Note: Each week a new section of this guide will be released per the schedule below. Or you can get it now by downloading a free pdf copy.

Table Of Contents

  1. 🔠 ALM Pre-requisites
    1. Create Power Platform Environments For Dev-Test-Prod
    2. Install The Power Platform Pipelines Host
    3. Import The Sample Solution Into The Dev Environment
    4. Setup A Power Platform Service Account
    5. Start A New Azure DevOps Project

  2. 🧑‍🔧Power Platform Pipelines Setup
    1. Configure Development Environments And Target Environments
    2. Create A Power Platform Pipeline
    3. Assign Power Platform Pipelines Security Roles

  3. 🚚 Deployment To Test And Production
    1. Deploy A Solution To The Test Environment
    2. Deploy A Solution To The Production Environment
    3. Redeploy A Past Solution Version To A Target Environment

  4. 🧑‍💻 Extending Power Platform Pipelines
    1. Perform A Delegated Deployment Using A Service Account
    2. Configure Pre-Deployment Stage Approvals

  5. 🗃️ Git Integration
    1. Setup Dataverse Git Integration For A Solution
    2. Commit Code Changes To A Git Repo


If you have any questions about The Complete Power Platform Pipelines ALM Setup Guide please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

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1 month ago

I want to say fantastic job!!!! I owe the majority of my knowledge and skill to you and your amazing tutorials and documents. You are truly awesome!!

Jakub Chaloupka
Jakub Chaloupka
1 month ago

Hello Matthew.

Regarding managed environments. Everywhere is mentioned that target environments must be managed environments. However it works with unmanaged environments as well. Installation will not block you to create pipeline with unmanaged environments.

My questions is, is it really necessary to have all environments managed and why? Why is it working with unmanaged environments? Can i safely use it that way?

So far what i found is that some metadata might not be migrated or something like that. I hope that you will bring some clearence to this.

Thank you.


26 days ago

Is there any way to roll back a deployment/commit?

Sean Hodkinson
Sean Hodkinson
25 days ago

Hi Matthew, this is brilliant. Thanks very much for this. I’d be really interested to see the section on git expanded on and explained in more detail. Also, some more information on solution strategy would be great, i.e. should a single solution be used for all components or should there be a solution per component type etc? Or should there be a solution for each update?

Thanks for all your posts, I’ve learned a lot from you over the years.


Tran Pham
Tran Pham
14 days ago

Hi Matthew, thank you for your insightful blog on Power Platform! Your post has provided me with many valuable guidelines that I’ve found incredibly helpful in my work. Looking forward to reading more of your content in the future!

You’ve got a real talent for breaking down complex concepts — keep it up!