Dataverse Git Integration: Commit Code Changes To A Git Repo

Dataverse Git Integration: Commit Code Changes To A Git Repo

The Dataverse Git Integration can be used to commit changes to a git repository. A git commit takes a snapshot of the project in its current state and saves it into the repo. It includes a message from the developer explaining the updates made in the commit. This makes it possible to revert back to that version if needed later on.

Table Of Contents:
• Commit Code Changes To A Git RepositoryWrite A Commit Message For The SolutionView The Unpacked Solution In Source Control

Commit Code Changes To A Git Repository

We want to use a git commit to perform the initial save of the solution to the repo. Go to the developer environment and open the solution we want to save to the repo.

Then open the source control menu for the solution. There will be a list of changes to be made to the current branch. When ready, press the commit button to create a save point.

Write A Commit Message For The Solution

All git commits must have a message. They will help us to understand what changes were made for a specific commit when we need to know in the future. For the first git commit write the message initial commit. Then press the commit button.

View The Unpacked Solution In Source Control

Wait a few minutes for the git commit to complete and the Commit Successful banner to appear.

Once the git commit is completed we can see the unpacked solution in source control. Browse the unpacked solution to learn more about each components structure.


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