Youtube Video: Search Power Apps With No Delegation Warnings

I’ve recorded a video for this week’s Power Apps article on how to search a large SharePoint list and return the matching results with no delegation warnings. I really like this idea of having a video versions of my written tutorials because I have the opportunity to show you how its done. If something didn’t make sense in the article, no problem, just go watch the video and it will all become clear.

I don’t know what my plans are for recording more videos in the future. But if you liked this video please leave some words of encouragement in the Youtube comments. Or subscribe to my Youtube channel. I have alot to learn about making high-quality tutorial videos. With practice I’ll get better at making them one video at a time.


If you have any questions about Youtube Video: Search Power Apps With No Delegation Warnings please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

Matthew Devaney

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2 years ago

Looks Great ,Thank you so much Matthew

Brandon Shaw
Brandon Shaw
2 years ago

If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is just a series of pictures, then video tutorials would be a definite value add with some of the more complex topics.

Good videos are also hard to make so we appreciate the effort!

Kent Dixon
Kent Dixon
2 years ago

Hi Matthew,
You posted a article a while ago called “Power Apps Export To Excel As A CSV File”
The solution worked perfectly but I’d like to filter the data table with dropdowns and then create the CSV file.

I appreciate the assist.


Kent Dixon
Kent Dixon
2 years ago

Ok. Thank you.

Kent Dixon
Kent Dixon
2 years ago

Hi Matthew, I do have a schema that works now for filtering a form. My issue is passing the filtered view into the flow and then an excel spreadsheet. My organization threw the new tools at us and now its up to us to learn them. Sounds like a complicated procedure. Kent

Philippe mallet
Philippe mallet
2 years ago

Hello Mathew
you’re awesome !

Thanks a lot 🙂

1 year ago

Hi Matthew,
I was just wondering how this would work with a person column to return the User Display Name?